The Ebb and Flow of the North Sea Herring Fisheries over 500 years - Phil McMullen

Herring Girls, 1876. Photo credit: Freshwater and Marine Image Bank, University of Washington

Synopsis. This talk looks at the North Sea herring fisheries. The UK fisheries expanded dramatically in the 18th & 19th centuries and involved the seasonal migrations of tens of thousands of "herring lasses'" fishermen & others from the far north of the UK as far south as East Anglia & Kent. This is an account of those times.

About Phil. Phil McMullen worked in the fisheries/seafood industry for 45 years, retiring in 2017. Originally from Devon he moved to London and graduated in Fisheries Science.  He then moved to Hull in the mid 70s to work for the White Fish Authority. Initially employed to design better fishing gear he became committed to reducing the environmental impacts of fishing operations and spent many years working for better relations between the fishing/seafood industry and environmental campaigners. Throughout his career he has advised international bodies and industry groups around the world on these and other topics. He maintains an interest in current fisheries issues and also researches historic fisheries practices.

Event type: Monthly Meeting
Date: 21st November 2024
Time: 2:00 pm
Venue: Beverley Memorial Hall